House rules, liability and disclaimers

House rules

  • On entering the club rooms, every member accepts the following house rules.
  • Only club members have access. Prerequisite is the age of majority according to German law.
  • Admission of day members shall be decided by the staff and/or the Board without consultation.
  • The issued membership card must be presented unrequested at the cloakroom when entering the club premises.
  • Participation in the club events is voluntary and at your own risk.
  • Mobile phones, photography and filming are prohibited in the club rooms during the events. Relevant devices are to be handed in at the cloakroom.
  • The staff on duty and/or the Board have sole domiciliary rights. A taken decision is binding without consultation.
  • The principle of mutual consideration applies in the club rooms.
    A so-called courtesy distance is to be maintained in the play areas. If a guest nevertheless feels harassed, this distance is to be increased if necessary.
  • In the rooms of Quälgeist Berlin e.V. the following universal safe words apply: “Red” and “Mayday”. If these words are called, the session is to be interrupted immediately. Staff and guests have the duty to intervene in case of non-compliance.
  • Our guests may not lock or cover any of the play areas or block the access with other means. Exceptions for a single event can be discussed with the staff.
  • Smoking is absolutely prohibited in all rooms except the specially designated smoking area. Drinks in glasses are not permitted in the playing areas.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol as well as the use of drugs of any kind will result in a ban from the premises.
  • Any irregularities must be reported to the staff on duty.
  • The staff on duty will be happy to explain the furnishings if necessary.
  • Used furnishings must be cleaned and disinfected immediately after use.

Liability and disclaimers

  • Quälgeist Berlin e.V. accepts no liability for items or valuables in the cloakroom.
  • The use of the club rooms is at your own risk.
  • Quälgeist Berlin e.V. is not liable for personal injury, property damage and/or financial losses caused by other persons and/or improper use of the club rooms and their facilities.
  • The above exclusion of liability does not apply to liability for damages resulting from injury to life, body or health if Quälgeist Berlin e.V. or its legal representative or agent is responsible for the breach of duty. This also applies to compensation for other damages resulting from an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by Quälgeist Berlin e.V. or its legal representative or agent.

Do you have any questions?

Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions or contact us.