Program for anniversary weekend online

Our anniversary weekend for the 35th birthday of Quälgeistwill take place from October 18 – 20, 2024. We have put together a varied program of workshops, culture events and parties:

You are cordially invited to join us and celebrate! Admission is free!
Please register in advance for the events you would like to attend.

Friday, October 18

Unholy songs (with registration)
20:00, poetry performance in the playroom with Mátyás Dunajcsik, Logan February and Anna Hetzer.

Birthday party (with registration)
21:30, open to all

Saturday, October 19

Workshop: Mobility and avoiding injuries (with registration)
14 – 15:30, open to all, in German language

Workshop: Scotty, beam me into subspace (with registration)
14 – 15:30, open to all

Panel talk: BDSM for self regulation (with registration)
16 – 17:30, open to all, in English

Party: Torture Carnival (with registration)
21:00, open to all, Dresscode applies!

Sunday, October 20

Workshop: Playing with yourSelves (with registration)
14 – 15:30, open to all

Panel discussion: 35 Years of BDSM and Fetish in Berlin (with registration)
16 – 17:30, open to all, in German language

Panel talk: Quälgeist in the future (with registration)
18 – 19:30, open to all, in German language

20:00 – 23:00, open to all